Come sit with me

Welcome Sunset Sisters!

I’m Ronda Sturgill, a writer who enjoys sipping hot tea and having meaningful conversations with friends and family.

A paraplegic from a horseback riding accident in 1972, I have spent the last 52 years using a manual wheelchair for mobility.

From wanting to end it all the first night of my accident to experiencing more life than I ever could imagine — the fingerprints of God’s grace can be traced throughout each season; college, becoming a gold medal archer on the United States Wheelchair Team, marrying the love of my life, becoming a mom, and co-serving our country for twenty-eight years in the United States Air Force. We are now retired and live on the beautiful Gulf Coast in Northern Florida. 

Suddenly, I find myself in the sunset season of life. My once energetic strength and stamina have been replaced with slow mornings and afternoon naps.

Yet, it’s in this season that I feel more alert to God’s presence, more awake to His grace, and more aware of my need.

Once or twice a month I’ll be posting blogs, poems, and ponderings, all meant to awaken us to the fingerprints of grace woven throughout the tapestries of our stories.

I invite you to reflect upon your present realities with the topic of each blog by offering thought-provoking questions in the What About You section. Send me your comments and questions via the connect page and I will do my best to respond to you in a timely manner. I can’t wait to meet you and hear all about your sunset adventures.

Looking forward to spending sunset moments with you.

Until then, your Sunset Sister,
